Cooperative multi-robot systems experimental platform for advanced vehicle control applications
The interest of cooperative driving techniques is indisputable, both from an academic and industrial point of view. Recent advances in sensing and vehicle technologies have enabled significant progress in the area of active safety for passenger cars and a couple of these systems are already available in some cars. Cooperative vehicle systems make the roads safer by reducing traffic congestion and harmful emissions.
The different algorithms involved in complex control and safety systems with autonomous
driving capabilities, cannot be tested directly on fullscale cars due to expenses and security aspects. Hence, an experimental platform with miniature radiocontrolled cars (RC-cars)
is a good way to carry out research in the area of autonomous cars and advanced vehicle control. The miniature cars in such a platform should mimic the possible realworld
applications such as path following, overtaking and collision avoidance with the help of a positioning system, environment recognition and actual influencing parameters.  
Aim of the project
The aim of the project is to develop a platform, such as the one described above. A visionbased positioning system was developed during a Bachelor thesis project 2014 at Chalmers University of Technology. As part of this project, RC-cars were to be integrated into this system and together compose the experimental platform. The different realworld applications mentioned above should thereafter be evaluated and tested in this platform.
The platform consists of miniature radiocontrolled cars (RC-cars) and a vision-based positioning system to track fast moving vehicles. The miniature cars shoul be able to mimic possible realworld applications such as path following, overtaking and collision avoidance with the help of the positioning system.
Each RC-car can independently follow a well defined trajectory like a circle, ellipse or a straight line. The cars can follow the path in either direction as per the code being executed. A car following any of the trajectories can also stop when detecting an obstacle in close proximity. A basic form of overtaking has also been implemented where a car following a straight line path, is able to overtake a stationary obstacle on the left of it and thereafter continue on its intended path.
Charlie Sjödin, Charul Sampath, Georgia-Erini Diakou, Isabella Johansson
Gabriel R. Campos




   Demonstration video



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