
PhD Thesis 


  1. G. Rodrigues de Campos,"Agreement strategies for multi-robot systems/ Stratégies de commande collaborative pour des systèmes multi-robots", Grenbole INP- Université de Grenoble, 2012


Journal Papers


8. J. Dahl, G. Rodrigues de Campos, and J. Fredriksson, “Performance and Efficiency Analysis of a Linear Learning-Based Prediction Model used for Unintended Lane-Departure Detection”,  IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 2021


7. J. Dahl, G. Rodrigues de Campos, C. Olsson, and J. Fredriksson, “Collision Avoidance: a Literature Review on Threat-Assessment Techniques”,  IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Vehicles, vol.4, no.1, pp. 101-113,  2019

6.G. Rodrigues de Campos, D. V. Dimarogonas, A. Seuret and Karl H.  Johansson, “Distributed control of compact formations for multi-robot swarms”,  IMA Journal of Mathematical Control and Information, vol. 32, pp 1-31, 2016

5. A. Colombo, G. Rodrigues de Campos, F. Della Rossa “Control of a city road network: distributed exact verification of traffic safety”, IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control,  vol. 62, no. 10, pp 4933-4948, 2017 

4.G, Rodrigues de Campos, R, Hult, P. Falcone, H.Wymeersch, J. Sjoberg,” Traffic coordination at road intersections:  autonomous decision-making algorithms using model-based heuristics”, IEEE  Intelligent Transportation Systems Magazine, vol 9, no. 1, pp 8-21, 2017

3. R. Hult, G. Rodrigues de Campos, E. Steinmetz, L. Hammarstrand, P. Falcone, and H. Wymeersch, ”Coordination of cooperative autonomous vehicles: toward safer and more efficient road transportation”, IEEE  Signal Processing Magazine, vol 33, no. 6, pp 74-84, 2016

2. G. Rodrigues de Campos, F. Della Rossa, A. Colombo, “Safety verification methods  for human-driven vehicles at traffic intersections: optimal driver-adaptive supervisory control”,  IEEE Transactions on Human-Machine Systems, vol. 48, no 1, pp 72 – 84, 2018 

1.G. Rodrigues de Campos, “Discussion on: Stability Analysis for the Group Dynamics Consensus with Time Delayed Communications”, European Journal of Control, pp 469-472, 2012



Refereed International Conferences


17. G. Rodrigues de Campos, R. Kianfar, and M. Brännström, " Precautionary Safety for Autonomous Driving Systems:Adapting Driving Policies to Satisfy Quantitative Risk Norms", IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Conference, 2021

16. J. Dahl, G. Rodrigues de Campos and J. Fredriksson, "A Path Prediction Model based on Multiple Time Series Analysis Tools used to Detect Unintended Lane Departures", IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Conference, 2020

15. J. Dahl, R. Jonsson, A. Kollmats, G. Rodrigues de Campos  and J. Fredriksson, "Automotive Safety: a Neural Network Approach for Lane Departure Detection using Real World Driving Data", IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Conference, 2019

14.S. M. Hosseini, N. Murgovski, G. Rodrigues de Campos and J. Sjöberg, “An Adaptive Collision Warning System For Automotive Applications”,  American  Control Conference, 2016

13. G. Rodrigues de Campos, F. Della Rossa, A. Colombo, “Optimal and least restrictive supervisory control:  safety verification methods  for human-driven vehicles at traffic intersections”,  54th  IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, 2015 

12. N. Murgovski, G. Rodrigues de Campos, J. Sjöberg, “Convex modeling of conflict resolution at traffic intersections”,  54th  IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, 2015

11. G. Rodrigues de Campos, Paolo Falcone,  Jonas Sjöberg, “Traffic safety at  intersections: a priority based approach for cooperative decision-making”,  3rd   FAST-zero Symposium , 2015

10. R. Hult, G. Rodrigues de Campos, P. Falcone and H. Wymeersch, “An approximate solution to the optimal coordination problem for autonomous vehicles at intersections”,  American Control Conference, 2015 

9. H. Wymeersch, G. Rodrigues de Campos, P. Falcone, L. Svensson and E. Ström, “Challenges for cooperative ITS: improving road safety through the integration of wireless communications, control, and positioning”,  International Conference on Computing, Networking and Communications, 2015

7. G. Rodrigues de Campos, P. Falcone, H. Wymeersch, R. Hult and  J. Sjöberg, “A receding horizon control strategy for cooperative conflict resolution at traffic intersections”, 53rd  IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, 2014

6. G. Rodrigues de Campos, A. Runarsson, F. Granum, P. Falcone and K. Alenljung, “Collision avoidance at  intersections: A probabilistic threat-assessment and decision-making system for safety interventions”, 17th  IEEE Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 2014

5. E. Steinmetz, R. Hult, G. Rodrigues de Campos, M. Wildemeersch, P. Falcone and H. Wymeersch, “Communication Analysis for Centralized Intersection Crossing Coordination”, 11th International Symposium on Wireless Communication Systems, 2014

4. G. Rodrigues de Campos, P. Falcone and J. Sjöberg, “Autonomous cooperative driving: a velocity-based negotiation approach for intersections crossing”,  16th  International IEEE Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 2013

3. G. Rodrigues de Campos, L. Briñon Arranz, A. Seuret and S.-I. Niculescu, “On the consensus of heterogeneous multi-agent systems: a decoupling approach”, 3rd IFAC Workshop on Distributed Estimation and Control in Networked Systems, 2012

2.G. Rodrigues de Campos and A. Seuret,  “Improved consensus algorithms using memory effects “, 50th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control and European Control Conference, 2011

1.G. Rodrigues de Campos and A. Seuret, “Continuous-time double integrator consensus algorithms improved by an appropriate sampling“ , 2nd IFAC Workshop on Distributed Estimation and Control in Networked Systems, 2010



Refereed National Conferences


  1. G. Rodrigues de Campos and A. Seuret,  “Algorithmes de consensus pour des systèmes double intégrateur continus améliorés par un échantillonnage approprié”, 4èmes Journées Doctorales /Journées Nationales MACS, 2011




Refereed Extended Abstracts 


2. R. Hult, G. Rodrigues de Campos, P. Falcone and H. Wymeersch, “Towards optimal coordination of vehicles at road intersections”,  RSS  Workshop on Distributed Control and Estimation for Robotic Vehicle Networks, 2014


1. G. Rodrigues de Campos, I. Shames and A. Bishop, “Distributed labeling in autonomous agent populations“, 20th International Symposium on Mathematical Theory of  Networks and Systems, 2012



Technical Reports


4. R. Hult, G. Rodrigues de Campos, P. Falcone and H. Wymeersch, “Technical report: Approximate solution to the optimal coordination problem for autonomous vehicles at intersections", 2015


3.X. Diyin, F. Granum, J. Gustafsson, A. Fjeldsted and G. Rodrigues de Campos, ”Experimental platform for autonomous collision avoidance strategies”. Design project in systems, control and mechatronics, 2013


2. T. Olsson, E. Skog, D. Stenman and G. Rodrigues de Campos,” Experimental platform for cooperative control of robot swarms”. Design project in systems, control and mechatronics, 2013


1. A. Seuret, D. Simon, E. Roche, L. Briñon Arranz and G. Rodrigues de Campos, ”Multi-agent systems architecture”. D01.03 Building blocks and architectures, Deliverable FeedNetBack project, 2010



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